Taking my Dream one step further…

Every great dream begins with a dreamer. 
Always remem­ber, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the pas­sion to reach for the stars to change the world.Har­riet Tubman

Essence of Per­sonal power @ Addis Hilton

I’m big on dream and most people who know me well can attest I lit­er­ally live for my dream. It’s my dream that wakes me up every day and keeps me on my toe, It’s my dream that put me thru Uni­ver­sity and every insti­tutes I atten­ded. It’s my dream that put me on the bus, plane, train to travel the world and it’s my dream that brought me back to Ethiopia.

As a child grow­ing up here all I did was dream, I had no idea how that was going to come to real­ity someday. It didn’t cross my mind why it shouldn’t either. I wanted to two things, in short travel the world and make a dif­fer­ence in people’s life. Didn’t know how? didn’t ask why either?

Just believed whatever that voice within and fol­lowed my heart. Even though I some­times lose track of my dream, when fear gets the best of me, life always makes sure puts me back on track.

Now am wit­ness­ing one of my biggest dreams com­ing true, shar­ing my stor­ies, exper­i­ences and trans­form­ing people’s lives.
