My Bucket List — The 100 things I want to do before I die

  1. Attend at least one Sum­mer Olympic Games
  2. Attend Aus­tralian Open  — Done
  3. Swim with a dol­phin – Done
  4. Swim with whale Sharks
  5. Sky­dive – Done
  6. Scuba dive off Australia’s Great Bar­rier Reef — Done
  7. Learn to speak a for­eign language  -
  8. Go skinny-dipping at mid­night –Done
  9. Tell a stranger the story of your life, spar­ing no details – Done
  10. Mas­ter yoga head stand —  On going
  11. Travel around the world – Done
  12. Send a mes­sage in a bottle
  13. Ride a camel into the desert — Done
  14. Write a let­ter to someone in Prison
  15. Fall deeply in love — help­lessly and unconditionally
  16. Write and pub­lish my travel log
  17. Ride the Trans-Siberian Express across Asia
  18. Go on a canoe trip and camp in a wild – Done
  19. Learn to play at least one musical instrument
  20. Do trans– Africa (Cape to Cairo)  – Done
  21. Spend New Year’s eve in Times Square -
  22. Get pas­sion­ate about a cause and spend time help­ing it – doing now AWIB
  23. Sleep under the stars – Done
  24. Go wild in Rio – Done
  25. Do some­thing I love as a job – One going
  26. Ride a roller­coaster — Done
  27. White­wa­ter Raft– Done
  28. Grow a garden
  29. Go up in a hot-air bal­loon — Done
  30. Visit at least 5 National parks in Africa – Done
  31. Attend at least one Salif Keita’s con­cert – Done
  32. Montreal Jazz fest­ival – Done
  33. Par­ti­cip­ate at  Burring Man
  34. Kiss total stranger in a bar –Done
  35. Learn to cook Thai food -
  36. Meet a total stranger trav­el­ing and end-up stay­ing in their house – Done
  37. Bun­gee Jump — Done
  38. Have my own TV Show
  39. Walk the great wall of China
  40. Attend a Cirque du Soleil Show — Done
  41. Learn to live with detach­ment – On going
  42. Prac­tice my Medi­ation twice a day – On going
  43. Write my autobiography
  44. Teach someone some­thing new
  45. Float around the Dead Sea — Done
  46. Spend a month in Ashram Med­it­at­ing and learn­ing – Done
  47. Spend New year’s eve in Sydney – Done
  48. Take a group of dis­ad­vant­age kids on round the world tour
  49. Travel from Tur­key to Pakistan over land
  50. At least Visit 100 coun­tries before I turn 50
  51. Organ­ize a big reunion with all my friends from around the world
  52. Learn to make art and give it to people -
  53. Learn to read Tarot cards
  54. Run a God­dess circle with more than 100 women
  55. Reach at least one mil­lion people through my work around the world
  56. Start a lib­rary in Ethiopia with den­ted books I get from around the world
  57. Tell stor­ies to kids as part of my com­munity work
  58. Take part on the 45 days silent Medi­ation (Vipassana)
  59. Live on island for a month
  60. Attend big travel con­fer­ence (where all won­derer souls come together)
  61. Visit Iguasu Falls – Argentina/Brazil — Done
  62. Vic­toria Falls – Zambia/ Zim­b­abwe — Done
  63. Uluru – Aus­tralia – Done
  64. Robin Island – South Africa – Done
  65. Swim with Pen­guins – Done
  66. Petra – Jordan – Done
  67. Mac­chu Pichu – Peru – Done
  68. Abu Sim­bel – Egypt – Done
  69. Wit­ness the North­ern Light – Done
  70. Dance under thou­sands stars with Hum­mer people in South­ern Ethiopia — Done
  71. Eat at one of the best Res­taur­ants in the world
  72. Set foot on all Seven con­tin­ent – One more to go
  73. Volun­teer Abroad  - Done
  74. See gla­cier up-close and per­sonal – Done
  75. Clime act­ive volcano
  76. Get a com­plete makeover once
  77. Live through four sea­son of the year – spring, sum­mer, autumn, winter – Done
  78. Watch cheery blos­som in Japan
  79. Visit Jer­u­s­alem old city — Done
  80. Go on cruise ( If I ever retire from my work:-))
  81. Wild life migra­tion – Masi Mera – Done
  82. Spend some times in Amazon Jungle
  83. Visit Norway’s Fjords
  84. Plant trees
  85. Attend Reed Dance in South Africa – Done
  86. Spread ran­dom act of kind­ness ( Get involve on smile cards pro­ject)
  87. See the sun­rise and sun­set often – On going
  88. Make my blog the biggest resource for young people
  89. Sell everything I own and travel — Done
  90. Travel India by train – Done
  91. Bathe in the Ganges (India) – Done
  92. Fly first class – Done
  93. See Mona lisa in Louvre – Done
  94. Go on romantic getaway -
  95. Learn to Astral Travel – Done
  96. Go on walk­ing Safari – Done
  97. Visit the lean­ing tower of Pisa – Done
  98. Speak to an inter­na­tional audi­ence of thou­sands of people
  99. Golden Gate bridge – Done
  100. Meet Nel­son Man­dela – (the closest I got was meet­ing his wife so far) +
  101. Live in a tree house (I had to add the last one, it’s been on my mind for a while now)

PS* Some of the picture’s can be found on the travel page


Being Inspired from within

Allo Beau­ti­ful souls!

Someone recently asked me

Why my web­site doesn’t have any more new content?

Why I am not blog­ging as I prom­ised to do?


my true hon­est answer came out from my heart

and  said,  I am not inspired.

Later on that even­ing I said to myself, is it true?

Is it true I am not inspired at all?

What is it I need to be inspired?

Am I wait­ing for the inspir­a­tion to come from outside?

So I sat to med­it­ate with the ques­tion and answer,

(the only and best thing I ever know to do)

And that my friends,

Brought out lots of why’s.

Why I decided to come back to Ethiopia?

Why do I have a website?

Why do I want to share my life?

The truth is, it’s all about me.

Yes I want to make the world a bet­ter place, Trans­form lives, Be light to human­ity all those goodness…

But deep down I know, doing what I love to do has always lead me to be a con­scious, lov­ing, stronger, trust­ing, happy, non-judgmental, funny, spon­tan­eous, groun­ded creature that I am, and I love that!!  How could I not want more of that:-)

So I went back to my bucket list, to do my invent­or­ies and revi­sion.
Because  for me it’s those things that keep me inspired, give me the fuel that I need to get through my day, keep me focused (sane :-)) when everything around me tells me oth­er­wise. So there you have it. Hope you all have that inspir­a­tion within.

Will post my Bucket List on the next post. If you do get inspired, share yours too.

If you don’t know about Bucket List or you want to cre­ate your own –

“The only people who fear death are those with regrets.” ~ Author Unknown
