Taking the Big Leap

As I am pre­par­ing to give a work­shop on tak­ing the Big Leap, I came across this beau­ti­ful and timely quo­ta­tion online.

It’s easy to stay in one place, repeat life day after day.
It is com­fort­able, famil­iar and pre­dict­able.
But, is life meant to be lived in status quo with everything you desire at bay?

Take this spe­cial year to step out­side of your com­fort zone.
Take life by the horns and make that big leap into the unknown.
For as soon as you make the com­mit­ment, you will never be alone.

~ by Jean M. DiGiovanna

I even dis­covered a fas­cin­at­ing fact about a leap year tra­di­tion that in 5th cen­tury. In Ire­land, St. Brid­get com­plained about St. Patrick about women hav­ing to wait so long for a man to pro­pose to mar­riage, they allowed women to pro­pose on this one day in Feb­ru­ary dur­ing leap year. For the law to take that leap given the strict rules of court­ship at the time, that is a kind of Big Leap I want to talk about here today.

I remem­ber how I was puzzled when I read first time Ein­stein defin­i­tion of insan­ity “Doing the same thing and expect­ing dif­fer­ent res­ult.”

So the ques­tion to you is “when was the last time you too a big leap in your life?” Again am talk­ing about a kind of leap that scared and excited you at the same time. The big leap could mean mov­ing out of your com­fort zone, phys­ic­ally, men­tally, emo­tion­ally and spir­itu­ally. It means learn­ing to say NO to every­one else and YES to what you truly want. Tak­ing the leap toward what ful­fills you is an incred­ible cour­ageous step.

Now is a good time to think of all the things you enjoy but no longer doing, or the things you been want­ing to do but wait­ing for that per­fect time, per­fect loc­a­tion, per­fect fin­an­cial security, …

Take that leap today/ this year toward who you truly want. Leap into the life you desire, the life you deserve, the life that has been wait­ing for you. Don’t wait for another year, now is a good time to start.

For info. on the work­shop~ http://www.facebook.com/events/373997819341175/


One thought on “Taking the Big Leap

  1. Very nice said, it’s scary to make steps like that but somethimes you have to force your self

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